Here’s the piano letter notes of Dasja Ni Dasja Kudiye . The notation can also be used for keyboard (synthesizer). The song is composed by Minda Singh and sung by Minda Singh . It belongs to Teji Sandhu and was released in 2020. Lyrics of the song are written by Minda Singh and people from around the nation have well accepted the song. The song has appeared on the top popular list of several year-end and best of all-time lists. The music video of the song shows Minda singh and Arshdeep Sohal and it’s liked by millions of people nationally . The songs talks about that i promise you i will never leave you . The music is beautifully composed, which makes it very popular amongst pianists around the nation .
Chhadd ke na jaaungi aksar kehndi si
AD+D+D+ E+E+F+, F+E+D+ C+C+E+ F+E+D+
Mere saahan vich kudiye saah tu tan lendi si
AD+D+D+ E+E+F+, F+E+D+ C+C+E+ F+E+D+
Ehdi ki galti ho gayi nafrat kyun methon ho gayi
D+D+D+C+ D+C+BbA AD+, D+D+D+ C+Bb D+C+BbA
Dasja ni dasja kudiye jawab gal da ni
AD+D+D+ E+E+F+, F+E+D+ C+C+E+ F+E+D+
Bas hun mere kamle dil te mera vi chalda ni
AD+D+D+ E+E+F+, F+E+D+ C+C+E+ F+E+D+
Dass ja ni dass ja kudiye..
D+D+D+C+ D+C+BbA C+C+..D+
Changi tarah jaandi si saah vi main roke si
Nanhe munhe bacheya de haye naam vi main soche si
Changi tarah jaandi si saah vi main roke si
Nanhe munhe bacheya de haye naam vi main soche s